Wednesday, October 4, 2023

Horror 2023 Countdown: This Island Earth (1955)

 This Island Earth (1955) dirs. Joseph M. Newman/Jack Arnold, Universal-International Pictures 

Having watched Mystery Science Theater 3000: The Movie, I assure you it is impossible to take this film seriously. 

Dr. Cal Meachum (Rex Reason) is your typical 1950's scientist-jet flying, pipe smoking and not afraid of throwing down. He and his weanie partner Joe (Robert Nichols) have some strange encounters. Cal's jet almost crashes but it is brought down safely, enveloped in a green glow. An order for parts nets them some beads and then later a ton of parts plus instructions to build something called an 'interocitor'. Once the strange device is built, a man appears on the viewscreen. 

He says his name is Exeter (Jeff Morrow) and he is pleased to see Cal, as his building the machine means he passed the test. What test? Well, if he would go meet Exter's plane at a certain time all will be explained. Cal agrees as the interocitor burns to ash. 

The plane is unmanned yet still delivers Cal to a remote mansion somewhere in Georgia. There he meets Exeter, as well as Ruth Adams (Faith Domergue). Cal is delighted, as he still has fond memories of a conference they went to some time ago. Ruth claims ignorance. Then there is the rest of the scientists, including Steve Carlson (Russell Johnson). All from different countries yet all connected with nuclear or electrical. There are also plenty of men like Exeter, with white hair and high foreheads. 

Cal figures something is up but during an escape attempt only Cal and Ruth survive. They are taken aboard a spaceship and Exeter explains; yes, he is an alien and he gathered the scientists to try and save his war-torn planet. Can Cal actually do something heroric?

Yeah, the effects are very nice but man. Cal is stiffer than a 2 x 4 and does even less. Exeter at least has a motive for all the good it does him. If you have to watch it, see it with Mike and the Bots. 

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