Monday, February 12, 2018

Bring on the Bad Guys: Meek and Bronson

Real name: Meek and Bronson
First Appearance: Action Comics I#11 (April 1939)
Abilities: Normal guys who can sweet talk people
Quotes: "Holy mackerel! And we thought that well was a dud!"
Worst Act: Selling and reselling a worthless oil property 
Created by: Jerry Sigel (writer) and Joe Shuster/Paul Cassidy(inks/pencils)

Another bunch of guys in suits. This issue we look at misters Meek and Bronson, two con artists who specialize in selling worthless oil wells to people. 

Superman, getting involved after a man commits suicide, tackles them not by slapping them around, but by being sneakier. The whole set up is pretty good. First he breaks into their office and gets the list of who they scammed, then he presents himself as businessman Homer Ramsey to the victims and buys up their stock. 

From there he visits the oil well and with a well placed use of power he manages to find oil. When 'Ramsey' refuses to sell, the pair hire some thugs to convince him. Superman leaves them tied up on their doorstep. Superman then offers to give them Ramsey's shares for one million cash. 

He then takes them to the well and blows up, plus ignites the oil and makes them watch. A bit over the top, but it does get the point across. 

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