Wednesday, February 28, 2018

Bring on the Bad Guys: JF Curtis

Real name: JF Curtis
First Appearance: Superman I#4 (March 1940)
Abilities: Manipulation 
Quotes: "So be it-what th-you're unharmed!"
Worst Act: Trying to sabotage America's economy and murder
Created by: Jerry Sigel (writer) and Joe Shuster/Paul Cassidy(pencils/inks)

And now we end this take on the Man of Steel's rogues. This time we look at JF Curtis. When Clark Kent interviews a sociologist, who claims there is one person behind America's economic downturn, he is shocked to find the man dead. From there things go crazy, with sabotage of everything and mass murder. 

It's JF Curtis, who's being paid by foreign powers to wreck America. He comes to an ignoble end when he tries to electrocute Superman but ends up frying himself instead. 

Tuesday, February 27, 2018

Bring on the Bad Guys: Lita Laverne

Real name: Lita Laverne
First Appearance: Action Comics I#22 (March 1940)
Abilities: Acting and spying
Quotes: "Clumsy lout!"
Worst Act: Trying to manipulate two countries into war
Created by: Jerry Sigel (writer) and Joe Shuster/Paul Cassidy(pencils/inks)

Moving into 1940. Tensions in Europe were growing by the day, so how could Superman way in on that?

The country of Toran has invaded the country of Galonia. Clark Kent and Lois Lane become war correspondents, and on the boat ride over they run into actress Lita Laverne. Laverne, besides being an actress, is also a spy for Toran. Her mission is frame Galonia for attacking a ship, which hopefully will get the rest of the world on Toran's side.

Superman exposes her plot, but as he intones, the war in Europe is just getting starting. Funny enough the next issue would be the introduction of none other Lex Luthor.  

Monday, February 26, 2018

Bring on the Bad Guys: Lew Frawley

Real name: Lew Frawley
First Appearance: Superman I#3 (December 1939)
Abilities: Jewel thief 
Quotes: "Hey babe, how's about you and me dancing?"
Worst Act: Theft of jewels and trying to kill Lois Lane
Created by: Jerry Sigel (writer) and Dennis Neville(pencils/inks)

Really more of a Lois Lane villain than a Superman, but close enough. Lois has been regulated to the lovelorn column, but while there she meets Mrs. Frawley, who's concerned about her husband. Seeing a proper story, she and Clark go on a date to Joe's, Lew's favorite hangout.

In short order Lew introduces himself and ends up kidnapping Lois. He then explains his whole scheme, because why not, before trying kill her when Superman shows up.

Sunday, February 25, 2018

Bring on the Bad Guys: Lyman

Real name: Lyman 
First Appearance: Superman I#3 (December 1939)
Abilities: Being able to torture children
Quotes: "Who are you? How dare you tell me to run my affairs!"
Worst Act: Treating the children in his care like slaves
Created by: Jerry Sigel (writer) and Dennis Neville(pencils/inks)

After rescuing a child from a train, Superman learns that the director of the local orphanage is a first class heel who tortures and neglects the children.

Can't have that, so Superman does what he does best and exposes the bum. A simple story with a simple villain, but overall good wins in the end.