Tuesday, October 29, 2019

Horror 2019 Countdown: Invaders from Mars (1986)

Invaders from Mars (1986) dir. Tobe Hooper, Cannon Pictures

While other directors found their stars rising, Hooper seemed to be at best staying place. He was still working Cannon Pictures at this point. So why not tackle another B-movie classic?

 David Garner (Hunter Carson) is your typical ten year old. He's got a keen eye for astronomy, so when a meteor shower occurs in his small picturesque town, David's parents allow him to stay up and watch. Seeing the majesty of the heavens changes his mind, however, when he spots something landing in a field not too far from his house.

Dad (Timothy Bottoms), with some grumbling, goes out to investigate. He comes back shortly...but he's different. He shows no emotions and there's a strange scar on the back of his neck. Mom (Laraine Newman) quickly changes too; in fact the whole town seems to under some kind of spell. The only person without a scar and who takes his tales seriously in the school nurse, Miss Linda (Karen Black).

So, the question then who will believe them?

Not bad but disappointing. The actors are decent and the Martians are creepy enough but it seems too earnest and a bit old fashioned for the 80's.

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