Monday, October 21, 2019

Horror 2019 Countdown: Dracula (1968)

"Dracula." Mystery and Imagination. ITV, 18 Nov. 1968

Moving into our final Dracula story, we have one of the more obscure takes.

Whitby, England is a small costal town. At the local asylum, a patient (Corin Redgrave) breaks out and flees to the home of Dr. Seward ( James Maxwell). The good doctor is luckily home as he's hosting a party for an arriving nobleman from the continent.

Count Dracula (Denholm Elliot) is there and like the rest of the guests is shocked when the patient breaks in and calls the count Master. The patient is dragged back to his cell and the party continues, from there we learn that the count is very sensitive to sunlight and Lucy (Susan George) is captivated by the count's charms.

The patient's behavior is growing worse, prompting Seward to send for his mentor Dr. Van Helsing (Bernard Archard). Van Helsing gets the patient under hypnosis and we learn a few things, namely his name is Jonathan Harker and he was guest at the count's house.

Also Dracula is a vampire and the count's bride did a number on Harker.

Lucy, meanwhile, is meeting with her dear friend Mina Harker (Suzanne Neve), who has been in an awful state every since her husband vanished some months ago. Later that night, Dracula makes his move and bites Lucy. Despite the best efforts or Seward and Van Helsing, Lucy dies. Temporarily at least, as she quickly starts appearing to Mina and offering her the same deal the count gave her.

Not bad, although the stagey aspects are very apparent.

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