Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Aroma of Troma: Igor and the Lunatics (1985)

 Igor and the Lunatics (1985), dir. Billy Parolini, Troma Entertainment 

Moving into the horror section, we see a film so disjointed the making of it might very well qualify for a horror film itself. 

In the present day, Tom (Joseph Eero) takes a gun from his nightstand and slips out into the night, leaving a note behind for his gal Mary Ann (Mary Ann Schacht). 

Seems back in the 1960s, Tom used to run with a rough crowd. Paul (TJ Glen) was the ringleader of a cult. After tablesawing one member apart, a police raid nabs the hippies. Tom split slightly before this, but not before fathering a child with Sharon (Joan Ellen Delaney). The kid gets ditched in the woods, where Hawk (Peter Dain) finds it and raises it as his own.

Jumping back to the present, Paul is getting out of the joint and his loyal followers Bernard (Bobby Hargrove) and Byron pick him up. They celebrate their boss's freedom by picking up a hitchhiker and tearing her apart. 

They later track down Sharon and kill her too, sending a tape of the murder to Tom. Mary Ann goes out to find Tom, but runs into a boy (Buddy Durant), who happens to a ward of Hawk. 

Murder, more characters, and more murder. Seems this film was shot over a period of years, with Kaufman and Co. going back and adding scenes/more gore with might explain how weird everything gets, especially near the end. 

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