Saturday, August 28, 2021

Aroma of Troma 2: Class of Nuke'Em High 2: Subhumanoid Meltdown (1991)

Class of Nuke'Em High 2: Subhumanoid Meltdown (1991) dirs. Eric Louzil and Donald G. Jackson, Troma Entertainment 

And so we end another feature here at Geekademia. Since we already did Toxie's follow up, why not end with the second's second entry?

It's been a few years since the meltdown that took out Tromaville High School, and the Nukamama Corp. has been kind enough to step in and rebuild and rebrand the school into the Tromaville Institute of Technology. 

But things aren't quite as perfect as they seem. Professor Holt (Lisa Gaye) has been busy creating the Subhumanoids. Not a master race, mind you, but rather a group designed to do menial labor. Birthed in tubes, so no nasty navels. Nope, aside from the giant mouths in their stomachs they can pass for regular humans easily enough.

There is a drawback though. Seems if they get antsy enough they have a meltdown, turning into hideous freaks (bit like those Boglin hand puppets from a couple of years ago).  No one is aware of this yet, and Holt is doing her best to keep this under wraps. 

The film begins proper at the climax, with our hero reporter Roger Smith (Brick Bronsky) running out of the school, carrying his lady love Victoria (Leesa Rowland) while a giant mutated squirrel runs amuck. We then flashback as how we got there. 

Seems Roger, despite being a bodybuilder, is a helpless nerd and suffers from chronic body order, thus denying him the pleasures of the fairer sex. When he hears about Professor's Holt's latest experiment involving humans mating with the subhumanoids, he eagerly signs up. When he gets to #65 he knows she's the one. The problems both participants are blindfolded, so how can he find her again? 

When he spots the captain of the girl's basketball team transform into a disgusting lump of flesh, he starts to dig. Can he find his true love AND save her from turning into a sentient football? 

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