Monday, June 10, 2024

Wideo Wabbit

 Robert McKimson, Wideo Wabbit, USA 1956

This is a first; namely a long parody of TV shows that aired at the roughly the same time. 

Bugs spots an ad asking for a rabbit to appear a local TV station. Pity he didn't read the fine print, as the show he's trying for is the Sportman's Hour, with its host Elmer Fudd. When Elmer breaks out the shotgun, Bugs thinks this is simply professional jealously. After that, Bugs and Elmer race through various studios, each one being a parody of a different show. The parodies range from You Bet Your Life (You Beat Your Wife) to You Are There (You Were There). 

Decent and the first Bugs short to tackle television as a medium. 

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