Tuesday, June 25, 2024

Hare-Abian Nights

 Ken Harris, Hare-Abian Nights USA 1959

A clip show?

Yeah, even back then sometimes deadlines loomed too quickly so one had to make do with what one had. 

Somewhere that is vaguely Middle Eastern, a sultan is interviewing entertainers. When they displease him, the interview is cut short-mostly via a quick trip to the Royal Crocodile Pit. Bugs, on his way to Perth Amboy, ends up in the palace and forced to perform. 

Opting to spin some yarns, Bugs recalls his time as a bullfighter (Bully for Bugs), encountering a monster (Water, Water, Every Hare), and the time he outwitted a particularly dimwitted desert dwelling Yosemite Sam (Sahara Hare), the last one being of particular interest to the Sultan...

A fine short, although clip shows sort of irked me. I imagine a theatrical audience might be more receptive, considering the latest of the clips hadn't aired since 1955. 

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