Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Broom-Stick Bunny

Chuck Jones, Broom-Stick Bunny, USA 1956

Here we see the return of Witch Hazel, who hadn't been seen since Bewitched Bunny (1954). This also when June Forey officially took over the role. 

Halloween Night, and Bugs is out trick or treating. He's having a good night, at least until he stops by Witch Hazel's house. She's so taken by his ugliness (mask, unknown to her) that she invites him in; this isn't a social call though. 

Nope, seems dear old Hazel is obsessed with being the ugliest one of all, which she was until Bugs walked in. Will she figure out the truth? Is Bugs in danger of being the next ingredient?

Darn good and Hazel is the perfect foil for Bugs. She's prideful and far more competent than Elmer or Sam and the magic is a wonderful tool. Really lets the writers get away. 

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