Thursday, June 20, 2024

Hare-Way to the Stars

 Chuck Jones, Hare-Way to the Stars, USA 1958

The 4th Marvin the Martian short!

Bugs is in a bad way (never mix carrot juice and radish juice kids!), so much so he stumbles into a rocket ship when he leaves his hole. One errant satellite later, Bugs finds himself on a space station, manned by Marvin.

Marvin pays him no mind, as he has bigger fish to fry. Namely he's going to blow up the Earth as it obstructs his view of Venus. With his horde of Instant Martians, can Marvin stop this interfering Earth Creature?

Wonderful, from the design to Marvin deadpan manner, even the ending has a perfect note. Always had a soft spot for that little alien and this shows way. He's going to do something horrible but he's just so darn upbeat about it. Even when he gets mad he doesn't show angry so much as disapointed. 

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