Monday, June 24, 2024

Baton Bunny

 Chuck Jones, Abe Levitow, Baton Bunny USA 1959

First short in a while that has two directors, plus a return to an actual orchestra. This short proved popular enough to get a reissue in 1968. 

 As far as the plot goes, it's pretty threadbare but the music makes up for it. Bugs is conducting "A Morning, Noon, and Night in Vienna" by Franz Von Suppe. 

Naturally there are complications, namely a bothersome fly and two dress cuffs that refuses to adhere to his wrists. The whole 'a mistake is happening and people interpet it as directions' might be a bit old now but in '59 it might have played better. 

Overall good and the music makes up for any shortcomings. 

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