Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Apes of Wrath

 Friz Freleng, Apes of Wrath USA 1959

Not a clip show, but pretty much a straight remake of 1948's Gorilla My Dreams

A drunken stork, having lost his last charge, decides to improvise. Noticing Bugs roasting a carrot, he whacks him upside the head, slaps him in a diaper, and dumps him off with a family of gorillas. 

Brother, if I had a nickel...

Bugs regains his senses pretty quickly but he also realizes the prank potential. Mama dotes on him but while Elvis snarls at him Bugs can hit with him a bat. Why not? If Elvis tries anything, Bugs cries to Mama, who wields a rolling pin like a masterless samurai. 

But the good times can't last. Can Bugs handle an enraged gorilla? Since this is a straight remake (rehash if one is less kind) you can figure how the ending goes. 

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