Friday, June 7, 2024

Barbary Coast Bunny

Chuck Jones, Barbary Coast Bunny, USA 1956

This one was always a favorite of mine. Bugs is traveling and minding his own business when he collides with a giant gold nugget. Before he can celebrate his new fortune, he decides to deposit it in a conveniently opened bank. Why not? The president, Nasty Canasta, seems like a trustworthy sort. 

At least until Canasta declares the bank folded (mostly by folding Bugs up in the facade) and rides off with Bugs' gold.

Six months later, Canasta is living the high life in San Fransico as the owner of his own gambling den. As he's busy marking cards, a rube fresh off the turnip truck happens in. Amazed at what he thinks is a new 'telly-o-phone', the bumpkin asks for change so he can call his dear mother. 

Canasta, amused at the yokel's mistaken view of a slot machine, happily gives the fellow a coin; which then multiplies by about a hundredfold as wouldn't you know it the stranger won!

From there, Nasty learns a sharp lesson about stealing carrots from rabbits. 

Wonderful. Nasty is a sadly one shot character but he proves good enough to give Bugs some trouble plus his straight man act plays to Bugs' chaotic nature perfectly. 

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