Saturday, October 22, 2022

Horror 2022 Countdown: The Incredible Petrified World (1957)

The Incredible Petrified World (1957), dir. Jerry Warren, GBM Productions 

And so we end our lookback at John Carradine with a Jerry Warren film. Not sure if that's appropriate or not. 

As stock footage from better films play, Jim Wyman (Joe Maierhouser) is readying a bathysphere for its first test run. The inventor, Dr. Matheny (George Skaff) is in a race of sorts with Jim's older brother Millard (Carradine), who is working on a similar project. 

Millard is a bit further along than Matheny, in that his model already has a crew and is ready to go. They are Craig (Robert Clarke), Paul (Allan Windsor), Lauri (Shelia Noonan), plus reporter Dale (Phyllis Coates).

Millard's sphere is a failure though, for as soon as the sphere goes below 1700 feet the cable snaps and the sphere plunges to the bottom. 

The crew doesn't die though; no, they survive and escape when they notice light surrounding the sphere. They're nowhere near the surface however. No, they ended up in an underground cave. They're not alone either; with them is Ingol (Maurice Bernard). He's been there ever since his ship sank 14 years ago, so they had better get comfortable. 

As the brothers Wyman race to get another sphere ready to go, can the survivors hold out against a madman?

Oy. Carradine doesn't quite phone in his performance, but there is a sense he shot everything over a day. There was supposed to be monster, but it seems the suit was too cheap even for Warren.

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