Sunday, November 12, 2023

Ninjavember: Ninja High School#40

   "Aftermath" Ninja High School#40 (June 1994) with credits to Ben Dunn(script) Ben Dunn (art), Mike Sagara (letters), and Ben Dunn (editor)

And so at long last Ninja High School returns to Antarctic Press and we see the aftermath of the war. 

Jeremy wakes up in his bed, Ichi looming over him. Seems he talks in his sleep, mostly about Asrial. Ichi isn't happy about this but we cut away. 

Akaru is enrolling in the local school, so there's that. 

Remember Count Boscoe? Yeah, he's been in the Feeble's basement this whole time and he's finally moving out. Ricky, meanwhile, is tasked to head over to the RNC HQ and pick up Tetsuo, Lendo's baby brother. It seems the younger man is moving to Quagmire and Mrs. Feeble wants her son to show him around. Ichi tells Ricky he's right to be wary, as Tetsuo is even worse than Lendo. 

So naturally Ricky figures he'll keep the pin on that grenade and hang out with his friends instead. 

We meet Francis (Mikey's younger brother), Chester (Howard's younger cousin), and Jacob. The other two get nervous, only saying their parents don't want them going near Jacob's home. Ricky brushes them off and collects their friend. 

Heading over to the school, they see Professor Steamhead chatting with Dr. Diggers (of the Gold Digger series). 

Heading over to the pool, their youthful frolic is ruined due to it being closed (giant robot stuck in the pool). Compounding their annoyance is a raging Mrs. Feeble, with Tetsuo in tow. The young Rivalsan is outwardly charming, but once Mrs. Feeble leaves?

The mask goes off and Tetsuo makes it clear he WILL regain his family honor-and if he has to kill Ricky to get it, well, them's the breaks. 

Thankfully Ricky manages to beat him, but Tetsuo makes it clear he will regain his family's honor even if it takes a lifetime. 

Good direction, drama set up. The whole Count Boscoe bit was kind of pointless in the long run, but eh, what you going to do?

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