Thursday, November 9, 2023

Ninjavember: Ninja High School#37

   "Fragile Innocence" Ninja High School#37 (March 1993) with credits to Ben Dunn(script) Ben Dunn (art), Captain Amazing Paper (Shon Howell) (inks), Tim Eldred (letters), and Dan Danko (editor)

Mimi and Lendo go to Hell.

Seriously, Lendo and Mimi are traveling towards a sparkling city, unaware that Lilith (the angel from last issue) and Stanley the Demon are watching them. 

Mimi and Lendo almost connect when Lilith choses this exact moment to slice at them with a magic sword, sending them flying apart. Mimi is promptly captured. 

On Earth, Selina is impressed. She actually felt Lilith's magic, so yeah, bit of a power with that one. She's still puzzled about all the fuss Jeremy seems to generate. She does decide to finally put some clothes on the kid and get him to a hospital. 

In the time stream, Professor Azland comforts Mita. It seems that not only is Mita a direct descendent of Jeremy, she specifically is the descendent of Jeremy and Ichi. Whatever is going on, the odds of them getting together is growing slimmer by the second. Therefore the Professor is finding Mita a timeline she can exist in; as it stands now if she ever pops back to Quagmire she might simply vanish or worse become altered in some way. 

Back in Hell, we see some background on Mimi. As a child, she often sought comfort from a large tree in the woods. She and her mother often need the comfort, as her stepfather Stanley is an utter bastard. 

 Mimi, bruised and crying, curls up in the tree's roots. That's when David shows up. He's a magic priest and he's finally confronting Stanley. Some magic gets tossed back and forth and yes, Stanely is Stanley the Demon. 

The fighting is going back and forth when Stanley outs David as Mimi's father before leaving. We cut to Mimi being tortured by Lilith. Stanley boasts that his banishment was a simple ruse to see how strong Mimi was. Now that Mimi is awake, Stanley opts to show Mimi his latest creation: Jeremy Feeble-Hell Lord!

Wow. Ok, so a LOT of background dumping her. So Mimi's father a priest? Assuming this isn't a trick of Hell, how did he and her mother meet? WHY did he leave? I mean, he's a magic priest-is celibacy a part of that order? 

Stanley - was he always a demon? And if you KNEW he was, why would you let the mother of your children just go off with him? And why was Stanley even married? Good visuals but the story is starting to get bogged down a pinch. 

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