Saturday, November 4, 2023

Ninjavember: Ninja High School#32

       "Destiny" Ninja High School#32 (March 1992) with credits to Ben Dunn/Alan R. Nepomuceno (script) Ben Dunn (art), Clem Robins (letters), and Chris Ulm (editor)

The Past

Here we see Kalen, Asrial's older half-brother. He isn't held in high esteem by their father, who actually orders him not to refer him as father, since his mother wasn't the queen. Kalen's in hot water, as it has come to the King's attention that he was seen passing info to a Zardon!

A charge Kalen readily admits, and why shouldn't he? The man was a friend, a free trader, plus he has no allegiance to the Zardon Empire. The King argues that doesn't matter. Kalen sticks to his convictions and leaves.

The Present 

Kalen, now a freebooter, grouses that his cookies are stale. Nestle (who totally isn't Alf) apologizes but what with the war on supplies are getting harder to find. Speaking of the war, they find a message and things have gotten worse. Seems the Zardons are about to unleash giant monsters on the Salusians. His musings about the horrors of war are interrupted when a Salusian general offers him a contract to escort a certain princess across space back home. 

Back on Earth, things are happening. Professor Steamhead checks out what may be a prophecy on a cave wall. The Galaxy Guardians may be reactivated again (at least one old and possibly crazy scientist thinks so, his grandson Joe thinks he's just gone nuts) and NOT Gamera attacks the Earth Defense League's latest ship. 

Asrial meets with Captain Jaka and at length agrees to return home. She bids Jeremy and Ichi a fond farewell, although the figures watching the ship leave turn out to be dummies...

As the ship streaks through space, a Zardon cruiser captures them. Asrial is now a prisoner of the Zardon Empire!

Good but a bit breakneck pace, isn't it? Heck of a lot of stuff happening and more stuff being set up. 

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