Thursday, April 13, 2023

TFtember: Thundercracker


The guy was just there. 

For the toys, Thundercracker started out as a Diaclone Jet Robo Acrobat type. Similar to Starscream and Skywarp, Thundercracker was part of the initial Seeker lineup and that was about it. His file card had an interesting portryal; he was contemptuous of anything that couldn't fly plus he wasn't 100 percent sure about the Decepticon cause. His main power was supposed to be generating sonic booms, but that never game up directly in the show. 

He would get reissued a few times but the last Generation One figure was part of the Action Masters line, albeit only the Asian markets. Hideious looking thing I thought, all bright with purple, blue, and gold.

As for his comic counterpart, well, see my opening line. He was there, yes, but that's about. He was knocked into stasis near the end before a mad Starscream blew him up in #50. He gets better for Generation 2, but we'll get to that series later. 

The cartoon version was voiced by John Stephenson and (briefly) Wally Burr. He was, again, pretty much there. We get a tiny bit of background (seems he had a bad encounter with a Guardian bot) but there was no arrogance or doubt. 

Then he died in the Movie and got turned into Scrouge. 

He was well liked enough to get a statue at least. 

Honestly the idea of Thundercracker intrigues more than the actual portrayal. I rather liked the IDW version, where he lives on Earth and writes scripts on the side. 

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