Friday, April 28, 2023

TFtember: Astrotrain


The last figure of the season, and we're ending things with Generation One, Series 2. Astrotrain the figure was a first for the line, in that he was a Triple Changer. He could go from robot to JNR Class D51 steam locomotive to a space shuttle. 

His color scheme changed a bit from his preview photos to the finished model but overall he stayed the same. His file card is interesting even if none of it holds up. He's obsessed with creating chaos, but I fail to see how going from a shuttle to a train is going to cause that much chaos. How many locomotives does one really encounter? Or space shuttles for that matter?

In the comic he showed up in #29, whereas he is promptly infected with scraplets. After that he pretty much acted as a cargo hauler before he got blown up by Starscream in #50.

For the cartoon, he was voiced by Jack Angel. He also acted pretty much the same in the show as he did in the comic, i.e. acting mostly as the guy who hauled stuff. He did get to crown Starscream in the Movie, for whatever that was worth. 

He showed up in later episodes but never as a focus. He did get smacked by Galvatron, but at that was pretty much it. 

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