Friday, August 23, 2019

The Dunwich Horror (2009)

The Dunwich Horror (2009) dir. Leigh Scott, Active Entertainment Finance/Bullet Films/FIWI Entertainment

 And so we come to an end of another Summer of Love(craft) with a remake of the Dunwich Horror.

Lavina Whatley (Lauren Michelle) is giving birth to twins. Things aren't going too well though. The first twin didn't have any issues, but the second leaves the midwife (Victoria Patenaude) stark mad.

We cut to some time later. Father Hoadley (Richard Zeringue) has just finished a particularly rough exorcism. His assistant, Father Endalade (Marcus Lyle Brown) rushes to his side, but the elder priest waves him off. Dr. Henry Armitage (Dean Stockwell) and Professor Fay Morgan (Sarah Lieving) arrive on the scene and assist.

Under the possessed girl's floor lies a small pyramid. The two teachers deduce that the girl was possessed because the veil between our world and the world of the Old Ones must have been weakened. The breach is still open though, and unless they can close it there's going to be more cases like the one they just handled.

The only hope lies in the Necronomicon or at least a complete version. There in lies the problem as no one has ever seen a complete volume. Professor Walter Rice (Griff Furst) is called in to help.

Remember the Whatleys? It seems the first twin, Wilbur (Jeffery Combs) has grown up. He's obsessed with finding the missing pages of the book of the dead. His brother needs them you see, given that he takes after the boy's father more than Wilbur he'll need the pages to force open the path to the Old Ones.

Not terrible but Stockwell and Combs do their best. Moving the story from Lovecraft's New England to Louisiana adds little to the story but given the budget I can forgive that. Not the worst film ever made and more faithful than the 1970 version.


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