Friday, September 13, 2019

Jason X (2001)

Jason X (2001) dir. Jason Isaac, Crystal Lake Entertainment/Friday X Productions

Friday the 13th has once again come around and there's still nekked teens to slash. When we last saw our hockey enthusiast horror icon, he was being dragged down to Hell, where a certain begloved icon from another series was waiting. Well, it would be a few years before we got an answer to that, so let's go to space.

Why not? It worked for Leprechaun 4, right?

2010 and Jason Vorhees (Kane Hodder) has finally been arrested. The nightmare isn't over though, as Jason can't be killed and the powers that be have tried everything. In desperation, they have ordered Jason moved to the Crystal Lake Research Facility to try and figure out just how to end him.

Scientist Rowan (Lexa Doig) proposes freezing him, at least until they come up with something better. Dr. Wimmer (David Croneberg), on the other hand, sees some profit and military applications in a man who can't be killed.

Naturally Jason escapes at the first opportunity and slaughters the facility' staff. Rowan manages to lure the hulking brute into the freeze chamber, but he shoves his machete into her gut as the gas overtakes him.

2455 and the Earth is a burnt husk devoid of life. The spaceship Grendel parks over what used to be Crystal Lake and drops off some college students. It seems research of the old Earth is a bustling field. The students find Rowan and the frozen husk of Jason. Seeing profit in such a find, they bring both bodies back to the ship.

Rowan is revived thanks to future tech but Jason is shipped to the ship's morgue. Professor Lowe (Jonathan Potts) is vaguely aware of the hockey masked fellow and sees profit while Rowan is brought up to speed.

Jason, meanwhile, apparently senses some of the students having sex and wakes up. Things go south quickly. When the much vaunted space Marines prove no match, can Rowan survive in the one area where no one can hear you scream?


By the late 90's it had become a trend to have a wink and a nod. "If we reference it, we don't have to fix our narrative problems!" was a serious thing and applying it to the one series that was already damn silly already.

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