Friday, August 9, 2019

Re-write the Book: Max Moon

A minor one here, but sometimes a challenge can be worthwhile.

The background: Max Moon (Konan) made his debut in late 1991 sort of. Konan would up quitting the WWF to work full time in Mexico, leaving the Federation in the red with a suit that cost 13,000. Mid-carder Paul Diamond happened to be roughly the same size so Max Moon, the Comet Kid was born.

And managed to do danged little.

Konan and Diamond weren't bad wrestlers and the visual of Moon was bright enough to appeal to the kids.

So why not go the proper route and make him a luchador?

The overall visual was decent, but there was no reason for that outfit to cost thirteen grand. Give him a proper lucha mask, ditch the circuit boards and have him wrestle.

Masked wrestlers have been a thing in Mexico for decades and even in the States they've been a fixture since the 1960's. Rey Mysterio, Jr. wouldn't make his American debut until 1996 so Max Moon could have been the first real luchador in the US (assuming they kept Konan, as he worn a mask early in his career).

As for the angles, why not keep it simple? Max Moon teamed with High Energy. Why not have the Comet Kid go best of five with the Rocket? Max Moon VS Owen Hart, maybe even have Hart turn on Koko B. Ware and have him partner with Moon ("He's better than you!") maybe with a tag team run for a bit before Owen turns on Moon to go after his brother Bret.

After that, maybe keep him in the midcard or not. See how the crowd reacts.

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