Thursday, October 13, 2016

Horror Countdown 2016: Nightmare (1964)

Nightmare (1964) dir. Freddie Francis, Hammer Films

Also known as That's the Knife, Dear-Now Use It! Hammer was in full swing during the 60's and crafting works that didn't involve vampires or crumbling old castles.

Janet (Jamie Linden) is having a nightmare. She walks down the corridors of a deserted asylum while a woman's voice calls to her. When she finds the speaker, the old woman (Isla Cameron) traps her within a darkened cell, gloating that Janet will be as mad as she is soon enough. This is when Janet wakes up screaming, something she's been doing for steadily for the past several nights.

The old woman is actually Janet's mother, and she actually is in a mental hospital for murdering Janet's father right in front of her. Ever since then Janet has had a fear of going insane.

With Janet's fear growing she decides to take a break from schooling. Since her guardian Henry Baxter (David Knight) isn't available, one of her teachers, Mary Lewis (Brenda Bruce) offers to take Janet back to her house.

And what a house it is, with a full staff of servants and even a recently hired companion, Grace (Moira Redmond) who's closer to Janet's age. There is a secret though, as Grace is actually a nurse hired by Baxter to look after Janet and see if the young lady isn't following in her mother's footsteps.

That night Mary is woken up Janet prowling through the halls. Janet claims she was just sleepwalking after a nightmare, but the vision she has of a scared dark haired woman was far too specific to be just a dream. The visions continue to get worse, and when Baxter brings his wife Ellen to the estate to celebrate her birthday, Janet can't help but notice the woman's similarity to her vision. With a knife so close at hand, she sets to see if this is just a dream...

Any more would spoil the film. This has drawn comparisons to Psycho, since the film does an abrupt shift midway through the film and everyone's motive is suspect. Possibly Hammer's finest thriller.

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