Sunday, September 8, 2024

TFtember: Transformers#63

   "Kings of the Wild Frontier" the Transformers#63 (February 1990) with credits to Simon Furman (script), Jose Delbo (pencils), Dave Hunt (inks), Nelson Yomtov (colors), Jim Massara (letters), and Don Daley (editor)

The Western issue

The hunt for the Creation Matrix is still going on; this time out we focus on the Triggerbots as they search the desert planet Cheyne. The Autobots aren't there for a few panels when they spot some riders trying to run down a child. Dogfight, living up to his name, charges in the fray and chases the riders off. 

The boy, Hud, is grateful and takes the 'bots back to his parent's farm. It seems they were run off by greedy land speculators as the 'bots seem to be more concerned about helping about on the farm. Pretty soon they've even forgot their names.

Decepticon Thunderwing arrives and even tries fighting Dogfight but seems the bot in his amnesic state a far crueler fate than anything he could devise. Dogfight manages to free himself of this mental fog, but can he resuce his friends in time?

Good subversion of Western cliches and settings. I'm not sure if I've ever seen 'poor ranchers are actually vampires' bit done before. 

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