Wednesday, September 4, 2024

TFtember: Mixmaster


Moving into the proper toys, we have the left leg of Devestator. Mixmaster began life as a Diaclone Construction Vehicle, going from robot to cement mixer. The transformation is fairly simple but making him the left leg is a neat feature. 

For the file card, his main job is materials fabrication, using everything from unliving rock to living robot to make base components, a living chemistry lab on wheels.

Yeah, yeah, insert Breaking Bad memes here.   

In the Marvel comics, he didn't do a whole lot on his own. As a Constructicon, he was part of the first Decepticons to made on Earth. He mostly stayed with them in the issues they were focused on, but he did make it to the last issue.

The cartoon is a mixed bag. Voiced by Frank Welker, he and his teammates are bogged down with multiple origins that contradict each other. Aside from that, he doesn't really have any individual moments to shine. He appears in quite a few episodes and even is shown mixing things, but he never takes the lead.  

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