Sunday, September 15, 2024

TFtember: B.O.T.

"B.O.T.", the Transformers, January 9, 1986 

I know the phrase 'Worst Episode EVER' gets tossed around quite a bit, but here it might be fully justified. 

The Combaticons and Defensor duke it out because, that's why. Bruticus ends up in pieces, save for Swindle. Being the big hearted guy he is, takes them off to be repaired, except he actually sells key parts of them to 'El Presidente' becuase, that's why.

Megatron is working on yet another big laser thing. 

Oh, and two creepy highschoolers mess with their science teacher's laser. For punishment, he forces them to work with his star pupil, although I thought he was supposed to be punishing them? Inspired by the Protectorbots they decide to build a robot. Using the same junkyard Swindle dumped the parts he couldn't sell they end up creating B.O.T.

Swindle, by the way, has a bomb in his head and he only has fifteen hours below it goes off. So he'd better get Bruticus back on line, right?

Yeah, this one is rough. This has been called not only the worse episodes of G1 but possibly the worst episode of the entire franchise. Weird to think that THIS could have been the episode to end things on, eh?

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