Sunday, August 18, 2024

Aroma of Troma: Lust for Freedom (1987)

Lust for Freedom (1987), dir. Eric Louzil, Mesa Films/Troma Team

Bring this feature too, so why not kick things off with a women in prison flick?

Detective Gillian Kaites (Melanie Coil) isn't having a good time. Her fiancé/partner gets killed during their undercover assignment, and when she opts for a road trip to clear her head she ends up in Georgia County. Sheriff Coale (William J. Kulzer) takes a dim view of out of towners and Gillian finds herself busted and headed for a remote prison.

The once cop now current con finds being on the wrong of the bars not fun. Can she rally the other inamtes in a desperate bid for freedom?


This was supposed to get released in 1985 but Louzil's encounter with Lloyd Kaufman convinced him to add more scenes. It just doesn't get weird enough. Not trashy enough for Troma's usual brand but too sleezy for your casual moviegoer the film just doesn't go far enough. There is nudity and violence but honestly I've seen better and better use of both.

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