Tuesday, August 20, 2024

Aroma of Troma: Dialing for Dingbats (1988)

Dialing for Dingbats (1989), dir. Peter Slodczyk, Troma Entertainment 

Moving back into comedy and tackling the growing scourge of phone sex!

Randy (Michael Jefferies) is having a hard go of it lately. No chicks, no future, and no way to make anything happen short of winning the lottery or being the sole survivor of a gruesome apocalypse. 

That's when Bernay (John Caponera) steps in. As it just so happens, Bernay runs a party line. Surely Randy could met his dream girl there, at least for 2.99 for the first minute and .99 every additional minute. 

Of course, no one expected him to find said dream girl for real. Pity he doesn't know what she looks like...

A staple of USA's UP ALL NIGHT and I can see why. Darn silly but goofy in an inoffensive way.

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