Monday, August 19, 2024

Aroma of Troma: Jakarta (1988)

Jakarta (1988), dir. Charles Kaufman, Medusa Distribuzione/Parkit Films/Troma Entertainment 

Good Lord, a Troma with actual actors and location shooting? I thought that died out. 

But seriously, here we see what would become a hallmark of Troma at this point, rescuing low budget films and inserting more money and or marketability into them. 

Falco (Christopher Noth) isn't doing too well these days. Once, he was the CIA's top man in Asia but a mission in the Indonesian capital went sour and a gal he was sweet on, Esha (Suzee Pai) died...or did she?

Regardless, the agency needs him back and needs him in Jakarta. One kidnapping later, Falco is back in his old stomping grounds and what do you know, Esha is alive!

Then things get complicated

Yeah, not the worst film Troma ever did but the whole things feels like a tax shelter than a film. 

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