Monday, May 10, 2021

The Masked Villain-Superstars Profile#41

Black Tiger

Real name: Mark Hussey

Home: Manchester, England 

Membership: Tiger's Den

A.K.A.: Mark Rocco, "Rollerball" Rocco, the Cobra

Finisher: Diving Knee Drop

Background: What, you think the Tiger's Den was just going to let Tiger Mask get away with his disrespect?

Someone had to deal with him, but it must be handled with care. Naturally they couldn't kill him (at least in a way that could be traced back to them) so that eliminated pretty much all their associated members. But why not someone who didn't work with them?

Black Tiger you say? Why, they had no idea who that could be. If he happened to hate Tiger Mask enough to break his legs, well, hardly their fault is it?

So word was sent out and a fellow was found. Hailing from the UK, Rocco was brought in, trained properly (brawling with drunks can give you a few pointers, but against a trained marital artist? Yeah, he needed some polishing). 

And fight he did. Their brawls across Japan quickly became stuff of legend, but the Black Tiger failed to eliminate Tiger Mask. After a series of fights with the Black Tiger coming up short (and Tiger Mask passing on the mantle to another) it was decided that the Black Tiger mantle would also go to someone else. 

Those tales are recorded elsewhere.


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