Sunday, May 30, 2021

So Outrageous, So Bodacious-Superstars Profile#61

The Young Stallions 

Real names: James Manley, Paul Centopani

Home: Detroit, MI

Membership: Jim Powers, Paul Roma

A.K.A.: Jumping Jim Powers, N/A

Finisher: Why bother?

Background: A tale told by an idiot, full of sound and fury, signifying nothing

Yeah, that about sums it up. 

 Both men were young, full of beans and vim and had all the personality of a damp gym sock. Powers, dubbed so because while he lacked any superpowers he was meant to get some later, was an alright guy who tried to get along with everyone. Roma, dubbed so because was Vince was eating pizza at the time, was a jerk. 

It was decided that a new team was needed. Vince picked the first two schmucks who happened by and thus the Young Stallions were born! Sent to feel out a possible Superstars expansion in Detroit, they managed to do exactly jack all. 

Sure, they went up against some of the bigger names. Did they win? Nope. Eventually they both decided to leave after a lawsuit from Jimmy Hart took what little money they had.

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