Tuesday, October 17, 2017

Horror Countdown 2017: Howling V: The Rebirth (1989)

Howling V: The Rebirth (1989) dir. Neal Sundstrom, Allied Vision/Lane Pringle Productions/Mafilm Studios

We started with Joe Dante, to Christopher Lee doing his best...to parts 3 and 4. Surely they could only go up?

500 years ago, an isolated castle was the scene of a gruesome act. Everyone inside, save for a baby, was torn apart by a savage creature. The perpetrator was never discovered...

In the present day, Count Istvan (Phillip Davis) invites a small group of nine to the castle: 

Marylou (Elizabeth She)-actress and a bit dim
David (Ben Cole)-photographer
Catherine (Victoria Catlin)-doctor and the smart girl
Gail (Stephanie Faulkner)-writer
Jonathan (Mark Sivertsen)-tennis jock
Richard (William Shockley)-playboy
Professor Dawson (Nigel Triffitt)-he's a professor
Anna (Mary Stavin)-actress 
Ray (Clive Turner) he's from Australia. That's his whole character, plus his actor is also the writer

And what does this group have in common? Not much save a strange birthmark on their arms. The Count believes that one of them is...a werewolf! There's also a full moon soon, so a perfect time to hunt the killer.

Except the count doesn't seem to have a clear on how to do that, plus no idea on the castle's layout, thus allowing the werewolf to slip around and slaughter the cast at a leisurely pace. And you would think what with this being a werewolf film we would see plenty of werewolves, right?

Nope. Guess the castle renting ate most of the budget. Also the plot is a more than a bit similar to the Beast Must Die! (1974), except this is lacks Peter Cushing. Always a misstep, which is proving to be a habit with these series. 

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