Friday, September 29, 2023

TFtember: Transformers#50

    "Dark Star" the Transformers#50 (March 1989) with credits to Bob Budiansky (script), Jose Delbo (pencils), Dave Hunt (inks), Nel Yomtov (colors), Rick Parker (letters), and Don Daley (editor)

Our last comic for the year and the last apperance for quite a few characters. 

The Underbase is streaking through space, getting closer to Earth by the second. 

The Autobots and the Decepticons confront each other and a full fight breaks out. Buster manages to call a ceasefire when he points out what Starscream told him. This calms Ratbat down enough to suggest a truce between the two factions. 

Starscream manages to get to the base, however, and even a brief exposure is enough to supercharge him. The combined faction attack but 'scream easily blows their ship up. Despite having the power and the advantage, 'scream opts to go to Earth.

Optimus Prime decides to sit out the fighting. Autobots and Decepticons alike fall before the powerful Starscream. Ratbat and Scorpionok come to the conclusion that Prime isn't a coward, rather he's clearly trying to take the power of the Underbase for himself! The truce is called off. 

Scorpionok also decides to cut Ratbat down to size, literally. Starscream arrives but it's a trap and the arriving Underbase crashes into the air commander and both are destroyed. Prime and Scorpionok pass peacefully although the war will surely continue tomorrow. 

Yeah, most deck clearing since the Movie. We lose scores of characters we've known since the first issue, mostly to make room for the new toys. 

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