Thursday, September 14, 2023

Tftember: Transformers#45

   "Monstercon from Mars!" the Transformers#45 (October 1988) with credits to Bob Budiansky (script), Jose Delbo (breakdowns), Dave Hunt (finished pencils), Nelson Yomtov (colors), Bill Oakley (letters), and Don Daley (editor)

On a B movie set, things are going poorly. The major prop has gone bust, and things are weeks behind schedule. PR man Keno notices how hostile a group of people reacted to the Autobot Sky Lynx, so not try to make some money on this? He sends director and his two stars into the woods on North Carolina to investigate rumors of a Bigfoot siting. 

It ain't Bigfoot they find, rather the Decepticon Skullgrin. 

Skully actually take a moment to consider the humans. True, they are helpless but they are offering to pay him in fuel, which was the point of his mission. Thus he agrees and soon becomes the number 1 guy in Hollywood. 

Clarissa, one of the aforementioned actors, really seems to hit it off with the giant robot. She also notices a depressed woman in a wheelchair, who moans that she'll never see her favorite giant monster in person. To cheer her up, Clarissa let it slips that Skullgrin is going to be at the Grand Canyon.

Which is exactly what she wants to know, as the wheelchair bound woman is in fact Circuit Breaker! For once attacking a Decepticon! Will she succeed?

Honestly pretty good. Skullgrin really shines here. He's a Decepticon, true, but he's rational enough to realize just having humans give you what you want is a bit easier than the whole war thing. Even the ending is rather neat, with the usual 'deception reveled and the status quo is restored' played with in a clever way. 

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