Saturday, September 16, 2023

TFtember: Bonecrusher


Now this one was a particular favorite of mine. Also the first of what would become a staple of the series, the combiner series. 

Bonecrusher went from robot to bulldozer but he also became the left arm of Devastator (more on him later). Bonecrusher, like many of his fellow toys, started out as a Diaclone figure, with the moniker Contruction Vehicle Robot Number 1 Bulldozer instead of Bonecrusher. 

The figure was a nice little thing, decent articulation for the time but the idea of taking a whole bunch of robots and making a bigger robot was pretty innovative for the time. That was pretty much it for Generation 1, although I'm told there was a European release that had him cast in yellow rather than green. There was also a decoy figure included with some carded figures. 

Decoys were just tiny rubber versions of Autobots and Decepticons. Nice but never a huge fan of those. 

His file card paints someone so obsessed with perfection he'd leave everything destroyed as he can't stand anything that doesn't meet his insanely high standards. 

As for the comics, Bonecrusher and his fellow Constructicons were created by Shockwave on Earth. He showed up pretty regularly in the series but his last official time was an adaptation of the movie. 

For the cartoon, he was mostly voiced by Neil Ross, except when he was voiced by Michael Bell. This is also the most confusing version, as according to the show he and the Constructicons built Megatron for the Decepticons, except when he kidnapped them and turned them into Decepticons. 

He also worked with the Autobots for one episode, thanks to an animation snafu. 

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