Monday, August 29, 2022

Smokey and the Bandit Part 3: Or Why I Don't Write for a Living

 Might as well end the trilogy. 

We open with a familiar scene. Sheriff Justice (Gleason) is chasing the Bandit (Reynolds). It starts out the same, with the Bandit easily outmaneuvering the lawman but things start happening. Like the Bandit breaking down sobbing at how terrible he is and how great Sherrif Justice is.

Then a kaiju sized Justice appears over the horizon and stomps on the car with a wailing Bandit underfoot. 

We then just to Sheriff Justice inside a room that is jampacked with racetracks and toy cars. Junior sits patiently outside while a doctor talks to him. Seems retirement (after the whole mess of the previous film) hasn't agreed with him. That's when Big and Little Enos show up. 

They feel a little bad about the whole 'driving you crazy' thing, so to make amends, why don't they give him the Bandit?

Justice perks up. Yup, the Bandit. Big Enos has just opened up a brewery in Niagra Falls and he is tasking the Bandit with transporting a stuffed moose from the Candian border to the brewery. He told him it was a milk run, but how would Justice like to earn 100,000 bucks?

Justice gets the car; well, takes Junior's (he's the sheriff now you know) and goes in hot pursuit!

Junior doesn't like this, as for once he has some common sense. He flags down a passing muscle car and commandeers it, much to the delight of Tina (Faith Minton), a muscular gal who loves herself some lawmen. 

Justice, meanwhile, puts in a call to his other twin brother, Reginald Van Justice (Gleason again), of the Royal Candian Mounted Police.

The Bandit? Well, he's heading up to New York with the Snowman, unaware of the pure chaos that is following him or awaiting him. Frog, meanwhile, is finally dancing on Broadway.

So naturally there is a massive collision in the heart of Times Square between all four parties.    

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