Thursday, September 1, 2022

TFtember: Laserbeak


Bringing this one back, and why not start out with the Decepticon's number interrogator?

The toy, which had three variants, was the exact same as Buzzsaw. The first one came in a two-pack with Frenzy. The second one was released by Milton Bradley in Europe, and the third one came in a single pack in Japan. All three are the exact same toy, a simple micro-cassette that turned into a condor. 

Checking out the file card shows a slightly different character. According to that he's a sadist, a coward, and he's fast. Aside from his function as a interrogator there's not much mention of what he does. Honestly you might think he's a scout from the wording. 

For the comic, things were different. For starters, Laserbeak actually talked (or at least thought to himself) and played an active role. Granted that role was usually Soundwave's sidekick, but he did manage to do things, small though they were. Like many other characters he got blown up in #50.

For the cartoon, Laserbeak acted more like how most fans recall. Offically voiced by Chris Latta, Laserbeak was there from the first episode (and most episodes too) acting as Soundwave's eyes and ears on the Autobots and humans. Neither side noticing the giant robot bird for some reason. 

The character would stick with the show until the very end, and even appeared in the Japanese Headmasters series, although his role was greatly reduced in that series. 

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