Sunday, July 24, 2022

Shark Week: Shark Attack 2 (2000)

Shark Attack 2 (2000), dir. David Worth, Millennium Films/Nu World Servies/Do Productions

You know, when Casper Van Dien won't return your calls, maybe you should rethink some things?

Remember the sharks from the last film? Seems they missed a few and some got into the waters off of Cape Town, South Africa. Sisters Amy (Caroline Bruins) and Samantha (Nikita Ager) discover this a bit late, fatally so in Amy's case. 

A week later, Dr. Nick Harris (Thorsten Kaye) and his team manage to capture one of these super sharks. Dissection, maybe? Nope-they're selling that sucker to a Sea World knock off. 

With shades of Jaws 3-D, the shark eats some people then promptly escapes. Harris and Samantha team up and they find not only their missing beastie but only a group of similar super sharks. And the Sea World knock-off is hosting a surfing competition nearby!

So they call in the Discovery Channel. Seriously, Harris confront the mayor, but they can't close the beach! So he summons Roy Bishop (Daniel Alexender)-Extreme Aussie and TV show host , to handle the issue. 

Can they stop the sharks in time? Will the CGI ever start looking convincing?

Dumb. Hell, when you can't even use Ernie Hudson right, why bother?

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