Sunday, January 19, 2020

Star Trek: Voyager, or Why I Don't Write for a Living

So, having some time to myself (a rare feat nowadays), I binged some Star Trek: Voyager episodes. I recall catching the premiere on the new UPN network and then moving on to other things by season2. If I had some clout in the 90's, what would I have done?

The idea, Or "Lost in Space: TNG". I didn't hate the idea, but I didn't care for it. When Deep Space Nine first came on, I had a problem with it, as it was set on a space station instead of a spaceship. Trek is in the name, right?

So why have a problem with Voyager? The idea of a ship desperately trying to get home never seemed to come across to me. While presumably stranded with no friendly ports in sight the crew never seemed to want for anything. Heck, they still ran the holodeck without issue. I'm not saying the crew should have been rocking tattered strips by episode 3, but maybe mention it every once and a while?

Speaking of the crew, a good portion of them are Marquis. Maybe they went in-depth in later episodes, but I never picked up on any problems the crew would have serving next to a group of people who rejected their very way of life.

AND another issue, the captain's refusal. In the episodes I caught, Janeway always rejects the chance to get home as it would violate the Prime Directive. So I understand the Starfleet crew going along with it...but why would the Marquis? I'm not saying I wanted to see Janeway shoved out of the airlock, but you'd think there'd be some grumbling?

I'll pick up part 2 later and a look at some of the characters.

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