Friday, July 28, 2017

Beyond Re-Animator (2003)

Beyond Re-Animator (2003) dir. Brian Yuzna, Castelao Productions/Via Digital/Fantastic Factory/Filmax

When we last left Dr. Herbert West, he was being buried under his secret lab with hordes of zombies running amuck. If he could survive a pile of sentient intestines, would zombies be enough to take him out?

Friday, July 21, 2017

Dagon (2001)

Dagon (2001) dir. Stuart Gordon, Castelao Productions/Estudios Picasso/Fantastic Factory/Generalitat de Catalunya/ICF/Televiso de Catalunya/Televiso de Galicia/Via Digital/Xunta de Galicia

Now we're in the twenty-first century proper. Lovecraft's work was growing in popular culture terms, so when Stuart Gordon came back to the well, would it be on par with Re-Animator?

Sunday, July 16, 2017

George Romero

Not much I can add about this. George Romero was a director I've had some regard for. His films were workman like, but I always thought they were generally well made.

His contributions to horror (and cinema) can't be overlooked. He took zombies from cursed souls to the flesh eating ghouls we know and love today. He did plenty of other films, but his Dead series would probably what he's best know for, and what would inspire thousands of homages and straight up rip-offs.

Personally I always liked how smart his films were. Casting an African American actor in the lead during the 1960's? Pretty darn bold. His zombie films weren't just mindless munchers, they actually had social commentary that was handled rather brilliantly. He made horror films more than half naked teens being killed.

I'd suggest kicking back and watching the Tales of Hoffmann and Day of the Dead.

Friday, July 14, 2017

Cthulhu (2000)

Cthulhu (2000) dir. Damien Heffernan, Onara Films

We end the 90's with a surprising entry. "The Call of Cthulhu" was possibly Lovecraft's best known work, but until this point the ancient sleeping old one had never been seen on film before. Would this attempt be a success?

Friday, July 7, 2017

Cool Air (1999)

Cool Air (1999) dir. Bryan Moore, Beyond Books

We now see the third proper version of Lovecraft's "Cool Air" and frankly it might be the best version of the bunch.