Friday, November 5, 2021

Star Trek: Nemesis, or Why I Don't Write for a Living

 Halloween was a bust but as I waited for trick or treaters that never came, I decided to polish an idea I had some time ago.

We open with a heated debate on the floor of the Romulan Senate. Basically the empire is screwed. They've tried to outspend the Federation and they've come up bust. Their super projects have either failed, defected, or generally come up short against the Klingons. 

That's when Tomalock enters. He takes the floor and while he talks, several robed figures enter behind him. He is disgusted by the weakness he sees. A might empire, feared throughout space, now mewling about money. He has the solution-destroy the Federation now while they recover from their fight with the Dominion. 

And how is he to do this?

The robed figures step forward and toss off their hoods to a collective gasp. It's Picard! Kirk! Sisko! Younger, of course, and part Romulan plus as Tomalock beams, modified. The humans made a race of modified super humans and it nearly lead to their destruction. They failed because they used humans as the base model. With Romulans as the base the modified beings are stronger, faster, and loyal. Plus cloned from the great enemies of the Empire so they have the knowledge. 

He then blows up the Senate. 

Later, the federation space station Deep Space Nine is attacked. Commander Nerys manages to warn the Federation before escaping. A massive Bird of Prey wrecks the place and heads towards the Federation. 

The Enterprise-E is getting a new captain, Will Riker while Picard is finally pushed upstairs. They get a distress call and the Enterprise goes to intercept. It's a trap. Troi is taken down by the cloned Spock and Troi who use their combined mental powers to try and make her kill the bridge crew. Riker knocks her out, but the clone Worf and Yar have infiltrated the ship. 

The clone Yar is having second thoughts, while the Picard, Kirk, and Sisko clones make it clear that Tomalock is no longer in command. The clone Riker breaks his neck. Now, with that out of the way, they plans to destroy the Enterprise. How?

They blow up clone Worf. Yar survives as she ditched their uniforms and equipment. Worf's clone still cripples the ship but who appears on the bridge?

Sisko-the real one. The Prophets willed it. As the Enterprise burns, Sisko, Yar, and Riker get into a shuttle as the crew escapes. Yar offers them a way in, but the clones planed on it. 

With Riker and Sisko hostage (Yar gets shot in the cargo bay, but someone drags her off). It's Sela, who hid on the ship after it's launch. She heals Yar and drops a hint that the engine room isn't guarded. 

Picard stares down at his clone. The Enterprise is still burning but Picard stayed behind to help La Forge try to save the ship. He gives the order. "Ramming speed!"

The Enterprise-E tears through the Romulan ship. Riker and Sisko deal with their clones and get away with Yar.

The two ships explode as the surviving Romulans offer gratitude for stopping their experiments

Later we see Riker accepting the command of the another ship, the Enterprise-F. Smiles and goodbyes abound.  

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