Sunday, March 7, 2021

The Castle of Cagliostro (1979)

 The Castle of Cagliostro (1979), dir. Hayao Miyazaki, Tokyo Movie Shinsha

Feeling pretty down, so why not revisit one of my favorite films and probably what got me into Lupin the 3rd in the first place?

Lupin and his partner in crime Jigen rob the Monte Carlo Casino. After outwitting the guards they're home free...until Lupin declares they're throwing all the cash away. Mostly to help them escape but also because the bills are part of the goat series. 

Yeah, the Goat Series, counterfeit bills so perfect they can pass for the real deal. Lupin is very curious how these bills got into circulation, so they head off to the Grand Duchy of Cagliostro. Crossing the boarder gets them involved in a wonderfully animated car chase. Lupin saves the driver of one of the cars, a young woman, but he gets knocked out and she gets taken, but not before slipping him a signet ring. 

Lupin recognizes the woman as Clarissa but more on her later. That night Lupin and Jigen get attacked by an armed force. They escape, but not before leaving a calling card on the back of the group's leader informing him that he will be stealing Clarissa. Lupin also summons Goemon and tips off Inspector Zenigata. 

The latter mostly so Lupin can impersonate the inspector and get into the castle of the Count, who intends to marry Clarissa. Despite his bride to be the target of the world's greatest thief, the Count seems more concerned about the status of her ring. 

 Lupin meets with Fujiko (who is working her own angle as Clarissa's lady in waiting) but he still ends up in the catacombs with the real Inspector. Seems there are secrets in the land of Cagliostro, secrets that the Count will do anything to keep them secret. 

Lupin knows all this as he tried some years ago to find out said secrets and almost got killed for his efforts. Clarissa saved his life, so Lupin is extra motivated to help her. 

I've seen reviews that called this a lousy Lupin film but a great Miyazaki one. I'm inclined to agree. Not that the film is bad; no I'd call this most gorgeous animated film I've ever seen. Really set the bar pretty high here, but the issue is Lupin. We have the trappings and all but Lupin is too nice. Honestly he comes across as more James Bond. 

Which isn't a bad thing but the other members of the crew don't do that much and their personalities can be best described as bland. Still a beautiful film and worth a view. 

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