Wednesday, March 31, 2021

Lupin III: Legend of the Gold of Babylon (1985)

 Lupin III: Legend of the Gold of Babylon (1985) dir. Seijun Suzuki/Shigetsuhu Yoshida, Tokyo Movie Shinsha

Somehow feeling even worse, although while waiting for the heatdeath of the universe is novel, I'd figured watching another flick might hurry that up.

We open with Lupin celebrating a club that asks everyone come in disguise. This explains why Jigen and Goemon are at the bar plotting to kill Lupin. Of course Inspector Zenigata apparently mailed himself to New York City from Japan. This kicks off a massive motorcycle chase.

After that debacle, Zenigata is summoned back to Interpol's HQ for the most daunting assignment of his career-MC'ing the Miss Interpol Beauty Contest! Yup, all stereotypes from the blonde American to the stoic Soviet are on display, although Zenigata gives the award to Italy's Miss Lasagna and gets a beatdown all the same. He then takes the runners up (and the winner) on his quest to arrest Lupin. 

Lupin, meanwhile, is being stalked Rosetta. Rosetta is a drunk old gal, who in-between drunkenly remembering sleeping with Alexander the Great and Hitler, sings songs about the gold of Babylon. Yes, the gold of Babylon, as it seems that ancient empire took all their gold and fused it into one solid piece. 

The mafia, one boss in particular, knows of this legend and the boss wants that gold. This kicks off a chase going from the Middle East back to New York City. Can Lupin and the gang get the goods?

If the last film turned Lupin into James Bond, this one turned him into Bugs Bunny. Seriously, Lupin straight up breaks every law of physics (besides actual laws) and no one seems to find that odd. I've never seen any of the Pink Jacket series, but if this is the standard I see why some people look down on the series. 

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