Saturday, February 21, 2015

Beware the Batman: Sacrifice

"Sacrifice" Beware the Batman, Cartoon Network 28 Sept 2013

Back again and recap's aplenty

Flashback to the last appearance of Lady Shiva and Anarky.

-We see some ninjas unloading a truck when Anarky shows up and easily dispatches all of them. "That's the spirit, but are you sure you're ready to die?" sends the lone docker worker running. Good opening, although I fail to see how a dud grabbing some pipe fits in with the spirit of anarchy.

-Poker game in progress which Katana and Batman crash. The guy called Folds looked and sounded like Batman so much I thought it was a "Matches" Malone thing, but no.

-Anarky some how sneaks into the League of Assassins base and confronts Lady Shiva. He's willing to return whatever he stole from them, provided Lady Shiva has something called 'Calibosix' stolen.

-Anarky gets Batman's attention with some exploding cars and tells them of the League's plot. He also gives sound to a electric billboard and make it explode for some reason. He also monologues to what he stole from the League.

-While Batman and Katana rush to the lab where the Calibosix is being held, Lady Shiva and her ninjas are already there. You would think there would be a shoot on sight policy by now for anyone wearing a ninja costume or armor that serves no point. You would also think a place holding room after room of deadly plagues would have more than 2 guys on duty.

-"The most secure security system in the world!" Yeah, that can fooled with a tape recorder and a fancy cellphone click of an eyeball.

-the ninjas, being graceful masters of the deadly art, end up breaking open a tube of Calibosix

-Naturally the Batman knows what the disease is, namely less a germ and more something that turns the victims into Hulk-esque monsters before melting them.

-Ms. Kilroy of the GCR shows up and is your typical snotty pencil pusher. "This tax funded boondoggle on wheels"...lady, I know the Gotham PD isn't the best in the world, but harsh. She also wants to incinerate the entire building.

-Despite Katana nearly sacrificing herself, Batman manages to save the day and stop everyone. Lady Shiva still manages to escape.

-Just to show there was no hard feeling, Anarky returns what he stole, namely the remains of the League's true leader...Ra's Al Ghul! 

Next time we see the return of Professor Pyg.   

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