Saturday, April 13, 2024

TFtember: Hoist


More of a background guy, but he does his part well enough. Hoist started out as a retool of Trailbreaker, only with a tow truck instead of a camper. Whereas Trailbreaker was a Diaclone originally, Hoist technically doesn't count due to the retooling. 

Hoist' main function is maintenance, which raises a question about Ratchet. If an Autobot gets sick, do they need a doctor or a mechanic? Having both makes things a bit murky. The file card paints him as dedicated and jovial. 

He comes across less well in the comics. He first appeared in #14. He was shown as a stickler for maintenance but mostly stuck to the background before being blown up in #50. 

He fared better in the cartoon. Voiced by Michael Chain, he often acted as the Dr. Watson to Grapple's Holmes. He also drove Grapple around, which raises a lot of questions about scale that the show will never answer. He wasn't killed in the movie, which for a lot of characters is a major accomplishment in unto itself. 

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