Sunday, January 7, 2024

Re-writing the Book: Friar Ferguson

 Bringing this back for the new year. 

So, Mike Shaw had an ok career. He started out strong in Canada and the NWA (even went up against Ric Flair for the world title) but when he went up north, well, that's when things went wrong. 

His first character for McMahon was Friar Ferguson who lasted all of one match, which he won but allegedly the local church raised concerns and thus Shaw got a new gimmick (which we will get to later).

So, a friar eh? I mean, heck, can the average person even tell you what a friar does? I had to look it up myself. Why should we care? Is he a heel or face? What and why is a friar doing in a pro wrestling ring? He seemed sort of heelish in his one match. So what would I do?

I'd say tweener then go with the audience reaction. Friars, at least going by some medieval popular culture were seen as more partiers than holy men what with the beer making and all plus the bawdy songs about them sleeping with married women and nuns. Why not play that up? Friar goes out and just unleashes hell on his opponent, then takes the guy's boots. "Penance brother! Perhaps if ye were walk as the poor do, thou shall learn humility!" Then his robe/jacket, and maybe his wallet. Got to feed the poor, you know. 

He might even come down to the ring munching on a chicken leg and washing it down with a tankard of beer. 

So what then? I don't see him as world champ, much less the IC. I see him wanting the titles though, again, "gold! Gold for the poor!" If he goes full heel, maybe throw in with the Million Dollar Man Ted DiBiase? Or maybe just annoy the man for donations. In any event, a midcarder at best. 


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