Thursday, May 4, 2023

Don't Go Messing with a Country Cousin-Superstars Profile#97

Cousin Junior 

Real name: Lanny Neal Kean, Jr. 

Hometown: Mudlick, KY  

Membership: Moondogs, the Hillbilly Family  

A.K.A.: Ox Brody, Moondog Cujo, King Harley Hogg, Big Daddy Cyrus  

Finisher: Mule Kick

Background: Sometimes family is thicker than water, but it ain't thicker than moonshine. 

Now, we have at length discussed Hillbilly Jim, son of the hills but are you aware he had a family? Yup, and his cousin, Junior, well he was as much of a hellrasier as his kin ever was. 

Junior even ran with the Moondogs for a bit. Earned the name Cujo for his blood thristy way of fighting (also foaming at the mouth too). His wild ways, much like his kinfolk, eventually made it to his hometown and Hillbilly Jim was dispatched to bring him to heel. 

Junior did what he granny ordered and played nice with his cousin but around 1986 he had quite enough of being a 'hillbilly' for a bunch of dang yankees to gawk at, so he up and left. He drifted around bit, got into trouble with Jerry Lawler and Jeff Jarrett. 

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