Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Horror 2020 Countdown: Leatherface (2017)

 Leatherface (2017) dirs. Julien Murray and Alexandre Bustillo, Campbell Grobman Films/Mainline Pictures/Millennium Films

 And here is the final, so far, entry in the Texas Chainsaw Massacre series. We've seen horror and high camp. How would the series end?

Well, as it turns out this entry isn't another sequel, but rather a prequel. 

1955 and young couple Ted Hardesty (Julien Kostov) and his best gal pal Betty Hartman (Lorina Kamburova) are driving through the backroads of Texas, full of life, love, and plans for the future. 

Everything's peaches and cream until Betty notices a small child crying by the side of the road. Insisting they help, Betty follows the boy back to the rotting barn where he insists his family lives. Betty meets the family and they proceed to have her for lunch.

Ted escapes and notifies the police. Sherriff Hartman (Stephan Dorff) arrives and he's not happy. Over the protests of Verna Sawyer (Lili Taylor), Hartman grabs the little boy and shunts him off the local mental hospital. 

Ten years later, Verna hasn't stopped fighting for her boy. After being kicked out of the hospital, she kicks off a riot. Nurse Elizabeth (Vanessa Grasse) and patient Jackson (Sam Strike) escape in the chaos but run into patients Ike (James Bloor) and his girl Clarice (Jessica Madsen). They take Jackson for company and Elizabeth for a hostage. 

Stopping at local diner for a bite, Ike and Clarice decide to take a ballistic discount for their meal and kill everyone there. Hartman arrives on the scene later but the one he's focused on? Jackson...because Jackson's real name is Jedidiah...Jedidiah Sawyer...

Yeah, this is meant as a prequel to the Texas Chainsaw 3D and it's a slight improvement though Lord knows why we needed to learn Leatherface's background. If Hartman can arrest a small child for his daughter's murder, why not Verna? Did she have a hell of an alibi? And why cannibals? At least in the other versions they usually present as a sort of economic background (slaughter house goes under, family's broke, isolated, etc.). I guess they just like the taste of long pig in Texas?


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