Sunday, December 28, 2014

So Long 2014 and stuff for 2015

There's going to be some more updates for 2015. I can't promise a new one every week, but hopefully once a month at a minimum. More details later.

Saturday, December 6, 2014

Beware the Batman: Toxic

“Toxic” Beware the Batman, Cartoon Network 17 Aug. 2013

Back again and we see the debut of a classic Bob Haney character.
-Recap of previous episodes with a focus on Simon Stagg
-Couple making out in the dark, which to my knowledge has almost never worked out well for anyone in most forms of popular culture. The couple is Sapphire Stagg (Simon’s daughter) and security guard Rex Mason. More on him later
-She only loves the man inside and she’s sure her father will love him like she does. So they’ll make out in a darkened hallway?